Extraordinary Minister
The special gift of being able to offer the Body and Blood of Christ to one's brothers and sisters at Mass, home visits, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. Qualifications include being confirmed, without any restrictions on receiving the Eucharist themselves.
Lectors and Commentators
Proclaimers of the Word of God and other announcing responsibilities at Mass and other liturgical functions. No Age restrictions, but must have received 1st Holy Communion, have a strong and clear voice, and desire to proclaim.
Altar Servers
An opportunity for children from third grade through high school who have received 1st holy communion to assist the priest at Mass.
Men or women, age 16 and above. This ministry consists of welcoming and helping to seat those coming to Mass, taking up the collection, leading the faithful to Communion, passing out bulletins after Mass, straightening up to prepare the church for the next Mass.
A welcoming ministry that is a sign of love and good will. Greeters serve at all weekend Masses and are involved in other areas of hospitality, especially when it comes to welcoming new members and visitors.
Music Ministry/ChoirActively participate in worship through song and invite others to sing praises at Mass and other occasions.